Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Project 6

This was our final project in which we were given the freedom to use any methods we have used throughout the semester.  I tried to focus on a graphic style incorporating architecture and textured backgrounds as well as color.

Project 5

This project was focused on designing a CD album cover. The top image is the front cover and the inside cover.  The bottom image is the back of the album as well as the inside where the CD is stored. 

Project 4

This project focused on the digital painting process in Photoshop CS5. The bottom image is a recreated image of Sylvan Lake in the Black Hills. The top image was a master study in which we incorporated our own portrait into an already existent image.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Surrealism Montage

Conspiracy Theory  -  10in x 8in  -  Adobe Photoshop CS5  - Matt Greenfield
Conspiracy Theory
The main focus behind Conspiracy Theory was to keep my compilation centered on the urban environment.  I  selected numerous images that I felt represented an urban environment in different ways, such as the city skyline, signs, stained glass, sidewalk cracks, metal bars, and a variety of numbers.  I tried to convey a feeling of mystery as well as chaos.  I felt that using a grungy or decaying theme would help convey that mood.  I used the yellowish green background to represent the toxicity of urban environments as well as to present the viewer with an alerting background to draw them into the piece.  I titled the piece Conspiracy Theory because I felt that it carried a feeling of corruption, decay, and chaos which all translate back to the conspiracy theory concept.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Man Ray, Le Violon d'Ingres, 1924

Man Ray was an American Dada and Surrealist artist.  Man Ray was one of the founding leaders in the charge against traditional art.  Man Ray is also known for pioneering surrealist photography.  Man Ray was known as a Jack of all trades when it came to art, being able to create successful pieces in numerous mediums.  Much of his surrealist works revolve around women, exploring female eroticism, using creative techniques such as solarization, cropping, over development, and other photographic techniques.   

Mindscape or virtual reality dreamscape  -  George Grie -  July 2008

George Grie is a modern neo-surrealist artist.  Grie's works are extremely photo realistic and tend to deal with a unique subject matter.  Grie tends to depict ideas from conceptual thoughts, philosophic views, fantasies, and dreams.  Grie's work tends to depict a dream like world that could only occur in someone's mind.  Yet these fantasies appear as photo realistic as possible allowing the viewer to encounter them as if they were real life locations or situations.  I like Grie's work because he tends to deal with wonderful awe inspiring images involving architecture and landscape that leave the viewer curious and lost in the detail and realism of the image.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Project 2

In this picture I'm exposing a day in my life on the Northern State campus.  I show a typical walking pose on my way to class, contemplating the days events, enjoying the weather with my arms wide open, and squatting looking around the campus.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

aperture - f 3.5
shutter - 1/13

I chose this photo because I feel that the angle turns a boring locker into a unique experience.
aperture - f 3.5
shutter - 1/6

I chose this photo because I like the detail of the lock.  Usually a lock is an object that is not typical studied or thought about and I feel that this image puts the lock in your face so you fully see the detail and start to understand it.
aperture - 3.5
shutter - 1/30

I chose this picture because I really like the subject matter.  Every time I walked by the sign before this project I always thought to myself "that would make a great picture." Along with that, I like the overall composition and image.
Track Number
aperture - f 3.5
shutter - 1/30

I chose this photo because I like the contrast between the black number and the faint colors of the red in the runner logo and the bulletin board.  I also like the angle of the photo.

Aperture - 3.5
Shutter - 1/500

I chose this picture because I really like the angle and the effect happening in the background.  I like focus on the road and the soft details in the background.

Stop Sign
aperture - f 3.5
shutter - 1/500

I chose this photo because I felt that it had a good use of balance and emphasis and turning it to black and white gave it a unique feeling.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Life

My name Matthew James Greenfield

Childhood ambition Pro Athlete

Fondest Memory High School Football

Proudest moment Getting to where I am now  

Biggest challenge Life itself

Alarm clock No thanks

Perfect Day Spending the day outside

Indulgence Golf 

Favorite movie Step Brothers

Soundtrack Depends on the day

Inspirations My Dad

My life is A blessing